Best Value Social Services.
A one day course for up to 18 people

for managers, staff, trainers or supervisors in commissioning and providing agencies


Built on the experience of a series of highly successful one day courses we  have run during the past 18 months for statutory, voluntary,  commercial and mixed groups each new course is different in detail and depends on the needs of the group. They are participative and interactive and rely for their success on helping participants to understand how best to reframe what they already know with a Best Value focus.

Understanding Best Value

We  consider the substance of Best Value and use the experience of the group to consider the issues of quality, scale and cost. "This is what it's about: what is important to you?
Next we explore the process - the famous 4 (now 5) Cs: "What do they mean? How do we use them?
Finally we consider methods which will take account of the relevant people, issues and resources which will influence what can be done.

Planning for action

During the day two small task groups work first on identifying key Best Value issues for them personally and for the agency. In the second task group they use the issues they have identified to devise a real programme of action.

The course leader

Keith Fletcher has been involved in facilitation, review and training in social services for many years and has majored in Best Value for the past two and a half years. He has written “Best Value Social Services”, “Negotiation for Health and Social Services Professionals” and “Child Protection: a change of emphasis”. He has a regular column in “Community Care” Magazine. He was formerly Deputy Chief Inspector in the Social Services Inspectorate for Wales.

Arranging a course

If you would like to discuss the possibility of a course in your agency we would be delighted to hear from you. Call, fax or e-mail SSSP and arrange for a discussion with Keith about your specific requirements, the numbers you had in mind and the jobs the people do.

The normal fee for this course is £599 (33 per head approx) plus VAT, with a 15 % reduction for voluntary organisations. We may be able to offer useful suggestions about obtaining partial funding in some cases.

© SSSP Ltd., September 2003